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Q & A with Ahlan and Ismahan

Today we did a Q&A with Ahlan and Ismahan. Questions were asked by Ahlan and answered by Ismahan.

Q1) How did you know about TGSA?

A) My mom was on the computer one day on Facebook and then saw a video her friend send to her about TGSA. On the video I saw girls I recognised and then I said to my mom my friends are there and then I begged her to take me.

Q2) How long have you been with TGSA and what made you stay?

A) 2 years, what makes me stay is that there are allot of positive people around here and that the team is very divers.

Q3) Made playing for TGSA stimulate you to try out for the school soccer team? If "yes" did you made the team?

A) It inspired me to try out for the girls school soccer team and I'm happy to share I did made the team! *bigsmile*

Q4) Would you recommend TGSA to your friends?

A) I would, I already brought in over 5 girls including my cousin and I would continue to do so.

Q5) What could be implemented to improve the program?

A) It would be nice if TGSA expands to other area's so we could become a rep team.

Thank you Ahlan & Ismahan for the Q&A session! ツ



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